Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gender and Politic in Indonesia
It is great a honor for me to standing before you to present the World Value Survey’s result particularly within Indonesia provinces Lampung, Banten, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, South Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi.
GENDER DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA Nadjematul Faizah* Chair person of CWS (Ketua PSW Institute for Quranic Studies/IIQ Jakarta)
Social and cultural norms influence the household division of labor. In developing countries looking after children, caring for the sick and elderly, preparing food and collecting water and firewood are tasks dominated by women. Norms in this case translate into unequal working hours between men and women. Why does this matter for human development? Time is an important asset for the development of capabilities. Excessive time demands for essential labor lead to exhaustion reduce the time available for rest and child care and limit choice – they reduce the substantive freedoms that women enjoy. They also pose no win choice dilemmas. Should a woman care for a sick child or spend two hours collecting water? Should girls be kept home from school to collect water, freeing time for mothers to grow food or generate income? Or should they be sent to school to gain the skills and assets to escape poverty? (Box.22: Water, gender and time poverty: Source: Wooden and Blackden 2006, HDR 2006, page 87) (These are the general picture when we are talking about gender inequality) Human Development is first and foremost about allowing people to lead a life that they value and enabling them to realize their potential as human beings. The normative framework for human development is today reflected in the broad vision set out in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), the internationally agreed set of time bound goals for reducing extreme poverty, extending gender equality and advancing opportunities for health and education. Progress towards these objectives provides a benchmark for assessing the international community’s resolve in translating commitments into action. More than that, it is condition for building shared prosperity and collective security in our increasingly interdependent world. (HDR 2006, beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis, UNDP) Gender related development index (GDI) “adjusts the average achievement to reflect the inequalities between men and women” in life expectancy at birth, adult literacy and school enrolment, and estimated earned income. (HDR Report 2003 UNDP) To reply for this general picture, based on report, theoretically, practically and survey about gender inequality, for Indonesia cases. Indonesia has constitution, regulation, and signed convention in other word, we have national regulation to protect children and against women discrimination and as a member of international organization, we also participated in conference, assembly as well as signed an international convention, treaty, bilateral or multilateral for gender mainstreaming . Indonesia with almost 90% Muslims out of 240 million of people is the largest muslims population country in the world. Islamic teaching are coming to protecting violence against the baby girl and Islamic teaching by the prophet Muhammad SAW on his last speechs . In his address, the Prophet addressed several issues: Freedom to all, Sanctity of life, wealth and property Equality of all races, Justice in front of the law and in front of Allah, Women’s rights and obligations, Exploitation and Monopoly, Rights of others. For that reasons, World Value Survey are seeking (emerged) issues concerning gender, value, moral, believe and democracy. This survey result send a clear message to the world that there is no restriction for Muslim women, particularly in Indonesian muslims at large, to involve in academic environment and to present their ideas and to argue with their fellow (non-Muslim male). WVS took the view of the women’s voices on the issue of the relationship between Islam and democracy which should be heard, most importantly the role of women in Islamic society. This rare chance is to good to be missed. In 2006-2007, what the World Value Survey discovered in a true life practice, the most valuable things are family, religion and democracy can be accepted while the economy is prospering and people choose the leaders in free election. The big issue in Indonesia reformed after Soeharto step down, what do people believes there were no trust to armed forces, was not true, because the survey discovered that a list of organization how much confidence you have in them, the first rank was Mossque 92% and the second rank was Armed forces 72% but ironically they have a little confident with political parties. The World Value Survey result particulary gender relation are as follows:
Referring to the survey result V4-9 and others how important it is in your life? 1st family, 2nd religion, work, friends, leisure and politics. Family and religion are very important. Females and males have similar choice as well as in all provinces for trust various groups of people that are family. A list of organizations, which the respondent confidence is first a Mosque and second is Armed forces while the respondent has little confidence with political parties. V188-V191) Are mosques giving adequate answers to....
The survey (V188-191) also obtain the same rank answer for a mosques are giving adequate answer to spiritual needs, moral problem, social problems and problems of family life. The endorsement of Law 20/20003 on National Education System has provided Indonesia with a stronger foundation for the implementation of early childhood education (ECE). However, inconsistency can be observed in the law concerning the position of early childhood education. Articles 14 states that formal education levels include basic, secondary and higher education. Article 26 Item 3, on the other hand, suggests that non-formal education includes life skill education, early childhood education, youth education, women empowerment education, literacy education, and work skill and training education. This leads to the conclusion that early childhood education is part of non formal education not covered under the formal education system. However, Article 28 Item 2 states that early childhood can be organized through formal, non formal and informal education. There is confusion about the status of early childhood education. Starting from early childhood education and women empowerment education is part of non formal education. Children are among the most effective agents for change. Education of girls and women in Indonesia does seem to have a major challenge, though there is room for improvement. Referring to the survey result v60-v63 various statements. A university education is more important for a boy than a girl. Indonesian has three institutions for education, family education at home, society and formal education. Islamic teaching pertaining life long education through any institution then adopted by UNESCO, thus women empowerment education can be through informal and formal education system can be accepted.
Referring to the survey result V131-V147, People would rather confident with women’s organizations than political parties. V152-V161) How essential you think it is as a characteristic of democracy?
Referring to the survey result V152-V161 regarding characteristic of democracy respondents are believe women have same rights as men. This is interesting result which reflected for gender equality, whether they know the rule of constitution equality before the law or elimination against discrimination of women, or according to Islamic ethic and value. We need to have another further survey for this subject. Employment status of women in Indonesia was in labor force and female employment in Indonesia was found in the service sector is still relatively small and women in non agricultural sector in Indonesia in general are limited compared with other Asian countries. V60-V63) various statements
Referring to the survey result V60-V63 various statements: Men make better business executives than women do, 41%. Referring to the survey result V60-V63 various statements, being a housewife is a just as fulfilling as working for pay, 84%. If this is what the respondents wanted, it recalled us to women movement that some Marxist feminist arguments for waged housework. Unorthodox Marxist claim that women’s domestic work is productive not in the colloquial sense of being useful but in the strict Marxist sense of “creating surplus value” , as well as social economic did.
V179-V183) who should decide the policy for the following problems?
Referring to the survey V179-V183 the question is who should decide the policy for the following problems human rights, refugees, aid to developing countries, protection of the environment and peace keeping. National Government decides: human rights, refugees, aid to developing countries, protection of the environment and United Nation decides: peacekeeping. In practical, whoever decided, they should consider the women needs, please do not neglected women’s need in this critical situation. For examples: health, food, shelter, maternity stuff and sanitation, etc. Therefore, women will be get involved and impact for policies taken by any organization. The value of live in all provinces are never justified for suicide, a man to beat his wife, homosexuality, prostitution, someone accepting a bribe, abortion, avoiding a fare on public transport, cheating on taxes, euthanasia, claiming government benefit and divorce. The law 23/2004 regarding Elimination of Violence in the Household, a man to beat his wife is a crimed. Referring to the survey’s result V60-V63 various statements one the whole, men make better political leaders than women do, 59%. Even though we have affirmative action proposed that a target 30% female representation should be reached by 1995 (Beijing Platform for Action) but it is only reached 11.3 (2004) and 12% (1990). The Law of Politic which determined minimum 30% women’s participation in political parties and the representative ness of women in Parliament. In 2003 we have minimum 30% quota in Parliament and nowadays we have and even better Election Law No. 10/2008. The law assured that in every three parliament candidates should require at least one woman inside. Although the law had been settled we still face problem in building our capacity in politics and campaigning women’s quality in parliament. Gender and politic in Indonesia In according to WVS and other survey media, taken from 10 provinces in Indonesia, the result has indicated that some people have little confident with political parties. However, the results shown do not withhold people to establish a new political party which are now registered at general election commission with the total of 44 parties (38 national and 6 local). The flash back of political parties is as shown below the graphic: The evidence comes from the election of the head of provinces; district and town, whereas the percentage group who are not participated in the electoral votes is very high. The amendment for the law of region to allow the independent candidates of non political parties are also indicated the low confident of the political parties. The parties have to support the candidate from non political parties, since the political parties face difficulties to find within their own members, to become the candidate Member of the Parliament, especially for women candidates, although The Law of Politic has determined the minimum of 30% women to be participated in political parties and to become the member in Parliament. In 2003 we have minimum 30% proportion of woman as members in Parliament. Today we have a better Election Law No. 10/2008, in which the law is assured that in every three parliament candidates it should require at least one woman candidate. According to the electoral commission there is one party who can not meet the requirement of the Law No. 10/2008 in regard to the 30% woman candidates that must be fulfill otherwise the commission will made necessary actions publicly. The total candidates are 14.020, 36.4% women candidates and the remaining 5.105 are men candidates (last data September 9, 2008). Although the law had been endorsed and complied we are still facing the problem in building our capacity in politics and campaigning women’s quality in parliament. What women have been done according to Nursanita Nasution, Parliament Member of Indonesia Commission VI (Trading, Industry, State-owned Enterprise, Investment, Cooperative and Small and Medium Enterprises, are as follows: We build women networks to informal women leader. For instance, women in Indonesia are traditionally influenced by religious-based community, called majelis ta’lim or family and neighborhood based community called arisan. Majelis ta’lim usually consists of 30-50 women under a woman leader called ustadzah, who gives Islamic Lecture and is very trusted by women in certain households. Arisan is an economic networking among housekeeping women. They are deposited their money regularly and draw for the winner to get the collected money by taking turns once a month, allowing them to save. Women in Indonesia usually join several arisans and this culture has been grown in most of Indonesian society. This arisan also help us to save the money for women candidate to do her campaign. We have been approaching these non-traditional, non-political community leaders and have been campaigning on how important it is for women to contribute in public sector especially in politics. We have many qualified women in their field but in order for these women to engage and have some important position in political party it will require them large amount of funds, this involvement of women in political party is need to be re-considered, especially for the grassroots. No matter how brilliant the political parties programs are, and yet some people could care less since what they need more is steady income stream to survive on their daily routines. The political parties have their own rules and requirement for those who applied to be the Member of Parliament candidates, most women can not meet the requirement of the candidacy since there is some requirement of large sum of money from the moment of applying and fill up the administration form and medical check-up, until the campaigning rally. Although the law is trying to accommodate the human need as a legal system which consists of structure, substance and culture. The legal culture, such as ideas, attitudes, believes expectations, and opinion about the law. The result of the law application will be seen on 2009 general election, eventually, we will find out whether there will be an increment of 30% of the women members in the parliament.
Conclusions: The World Value Surveys from 10 provinces in Indonesia showed the result that between female and male interest is nearly the same or slightly differences. Family and religion are very important in Indonesia; Having democratic political system and having army rule are very good and fairly good; People have much confidence in Mosque (92%) and Armed Force (72%); People have low confidence in Parliament (34%) and Political parties (29%); Family is the most trusted group, meanwhile people of another religion, people of another nationality and people who meet for the first time are the least trusted groups; and Divorce tend to be acceptable for male and female.
CEDAW UN Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women which was enacted through Law 7/84. Hosen, Nadirsyah, the Jurisprudence of Equality: Dignity as a Guiding Principle? Announcement of the 15th International Congress and the 7th International Course on Legal Pluralism, International Congress in Depok, West Java, Indonesia, June, 29 - July, 2, 2006, with the theme "Law, Power and Culture: Transnational, National and Local Processes in the Context of Legal Pluralism". http://www.prophetmuhammadleadership.org Human Development Report, UNDP. 2004. Human Development Report, 2006. INPRES 9/2000 – Presidential Instruction Pengarusutamaan Gender/PUG (Gender Mainstreaming) Shafwaq.blogsopt.com Tong, Rosemarie Putnam. Feminist Thought. Marxist and Socialist Feminism. Colorado: West view Press, 1998.
posted by KETUA PSW IIQ at 8:04 AM |

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